noon Suchet, So Werdet Ihr ... Paperback

AED 194.05

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Suchet, So Werdet Ihr ... Paperback

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In Stock AED 194.05 Goto Shop
Author 1 Udo Müller-Christian
ISBN-13 9783743117884
Number of Pages 506
Publisher Books on Demand
About the Author The author has seen himself as a writer since the age of eight and when he wrote essays for school, the teachers repeatedly suggested that he become a politician or writer. Now, in a working class family in the 1960s, it wasn"t easy to tell parents what the teachers were saying. As a rule, this led to unpleasant consequences or weeks of discussions, and there was also no training as a writer. When his mother found out from the class teacher that he had a lot of imagination in the secon
Book Description He receives an unusual assignment from a woman who, if he is honest with himself, is one of the few who have interested him in his long life. But it is more unusual than the order itself. And it is much more interesting than the order for the client to research around in the past. But can it be that this research goes back to before the French Revolution? And who is ultimately behind the client? Who is interested in imitating this person over the centuries?
Language German
Publication Date 23-Jan-20

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