noon Shaman: Devil"s Deal Paperback

AED 59.30

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Shaman: Devil"s Deal Paperback

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In Stock AED 59.30 Goto Shop
Author 1 Clay Hurtubise
ISBN-13 9780984119011
Number of Pages 172
Publisher Raven House Publishing, LLC
About the Author Clay grew up in Maine, went to college in Wyoming, and then lived in New Hampshire. Now settled, at least temporarily, in Maine, he has returned to his passion for writing. Never at a loss for words, he put these down for you to enjoy. His autobiography is being written as a trilogy, with the first book already published, Drug Trip: A Memoir. He has published a lot of short stories and poetry on-line.
Book Description A captivating story of a young Shaman growing up and learning not only his powers and strength, but also how to deal with death, catastrophe, and rebirth. His venture cements the bond with his heritage and he learns that family isn"t always blood related.
Language English
Publication Date 04-Feb-11

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