mug_shot Mug Shot Wild Mushroom Cup Soup 75g

Best Prices for "Mug Shot Wild Mushroom Cup Soup 75g"

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Mug Shot Wild Mushroom Cup Soup 75g

Live UpdatePrice updated
In Stock AED 6.00 Goto Shop
Package Type Packet
Flavor Mushroom
Energyinkcal 43kcal
Carbohydrates 6.7g
Protein 1.4g
Fibre 1.1g
Product Type Soup
Cooking Guidelines Empty the contents of one sachet into a cup or mug. Add 200ml of boiling water and stir well. Leave to stand for 11 minute.
Form Liquid
Per100PortionType Average Nutritional Value As Per 100g
EnergyinkJ 189kJ
Sugar 0.7g
Fat 1.3g
Salt 0.53g

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