fol_epi Fol_epi Fol Epi Classic Smooth and Nutty French Cheese 150g

AED 28.20

Best Prices for "Fol_epi Fol Epi Classic Smooth and Nutty French Cheese 150g"

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Fol_epi Fol Epi Classic Smooth and Nutty French Cheese 150g

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In Stock AED 28.20 Goto Shop
Per100PortionType Average Nutritional Values Per 100g
EnergyinkJ 1461kJ
Sugar < 0.5g
Fat 28g
Nutrition Average nutritional values per 100g Energy 1461kJ352kcal, Fat 28.0g of which saturates 19.0g, carbohydrate <0.5g of which sugars <0.5g, protein 25.0g, salt 12g, calcium 760mg
Energyinkcal 352kcal
Carbohydrates < 0.5g
Protein 25g

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