noon Cryptocurrencies And Blockchains Paperback English by Quinn DuPont - 4-Feb-19

AED 158.00

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Cryptocurrencies And Blockchains Paperback English by Quinn DuPont - 4-Feb-19

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Author 1 Quinn DuPont
Editorial Review This book cuts through the hype and reviews, in layperson"s terms, the developments and applications of blockchain, offering lessons for how we will imagine human systems, governance, and accountability in a world of distributed computational processes and decentralized authority. A real tour de force.Bill Maurer, University of California, Irvine "Amidst all the hype surrounding cryptocurrency, this book provides a refreshingly balanced perspective on what matters - and does not matter
ISBN-13 9781509520244
Number of Pages 224
Publisher Polity Press
About the Author Quinn DuPont is Research Associate in the Information School at the University of Washington.
Book Description From their shadowy origins in Bitcoin to their use by multinational corporations, cryptocurrencies and blockchains are remaking the rules of digital media and society. Meanwhile, regulators, governments, and the public are trying to make sense of it all. In this accessible book, Quinn DuPont guides readers through the changing face of money and shows how blockchain technology powers new forms of value exchange and social coordination. The reader will learn about cryptocurrency and bloc
ISBN-10 1509520244
Language English
Publication Date 4-Feb-19

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