generic Jeremy"s Mom Paperback الإنجليزية by Lisa a. Dunn - 16 Oct 2013

د. إ; 80.75

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Jeremy"s Mom Paperback الإنجليزية by Lisa a. Dunn - 16 Oct 2013

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في المخزن د. إ; 80.75 اذهب الى المتجر
Book Description Jeremy has a problem. He doesn"t want teachers and classmates at his new school to meet his mom. A rather large scar on her face embarrasses him. Will things change when Jeremy"s dad reveals the origin of his mother"s scar Jeremy"s Mom follows the life of a middle school student for a day. Jeremy"s mother is planning to come to a student-teacher conference at Jeremy"s new school. He would rather that his dad came alone. At one time or another, Lisa A. Dunn has been a medical technolog
Language English
Parental Rating 1 - 5 Years
Publisher Strategic Book Publishing Rights Agency, LL
Author 1 Lisa a. Dunn
ISBN-13 9781625163448
Number of Pages 80
Publication Date 16 Oct 2013

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